12, '2 year' => 24, '6 month' => 6, '3 month' => 3, '1 month' => 1, '5 year' => 60, '2 month' => 2, '3 year' => 36, '4 year' => 48, '7 year' => 84, '10 year' => 120, '4 month' => 4, '5 month' => 5, '9 month' => 9, '8 month' => 8, '11 month' => 11, '10 month' => 10, '7 month' => 7, '6 year' => 72, '9 year' => 108, '8 year' => 96, '7 day' => 0.23); return $search[$term]; }function sort_terms($a, $b) { $adist = intval($a['sort']); $bdist = intval($b['sort']); if ($adist == $bdist) { return 0; } return ($adist < $bdist) ? -1 : 1; }$hidefreetrial=true;$subpage = TRUE;$options=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `options` WHERE `option`='Track Accounts'",$db);$op=mysql_fetch_assoc($options);$trackaccounts=$op['value'];$qc=mysql_query("SELECT accountclicks FROM providers WHERE id='$providerid'", $db);$clickdata=mysql_fetch_assoc($qc);$clicks=$clickdata['accountclicks'];$options=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `options` WHERE `option`='accountclicks'",$db);$op=mysql_fetch_assoc($options);$nronce=intval($op['value']);//subscribe leave$options=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `options` WHERE `option`='subscribeleave'",$db);$op=mysql_fetch_assoc($options);$subscribeleave=$op['value'];$issubscribed = $_COOKIE['subscribed'];$seenpopup = $_COOKIE['seenpopup'];//Banks popup$options=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `options` WHERE `option`='yourbank'",$db);$op=mysql_fetch_assoc($options);$trackbank=$op['value'];$options=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `options` WHERE `option`='yourbankclicks'",$db);$op=mysql_fetch_assoc($options);$nroncebank=intval($op['value']); include($includePath."/includes/tables/vc_rates_term.php"); include($includePath."/includes/header_search.php");$frontpage = 'yes';?> '
Within South Africa, banks offer a range of investment deposit options for customer savings funds including notice deposits, call deposits and fixed deposits.
In particular deposit accounts such as fixed deposits which are provided by most South African banks are an investment product where customer funds are illiquid for a specific period of time with a given fixed interest rate of return to compensate.
Accounts in the country are denominated in the local South African Rand currency and may require a minimum deposit investment amount. The Interest returned or paid on the account can depend on the bank offering the product which could be paid at maturity or possibly annually, monthly or quarterly.